Saturday 2 January 2010

Annual Session

John, maz and myself normally do a winter session together at Orchid L ake,taking advantage of the cheap winter tickets. Unfortunately Maz was unable to make it so John and myself carried on in his absence.

We both arrived at the venue quite early and swims were chosen. I chose Chrises Bar and john was in Bradleys at the north side of the lake. We settled down to fish and the weather was not too bad. I was fishing a chod rig at range to my left and two rods out front in 5ft of water. John was fishing his rods a little shorter.

As usual on our annual sessions, once settled in and fishing we get together and share a wine or three. I'm. not sure if it was the wine but a bit later a firework display lit up the skyJohn and I watched it for sometime. Quite impressive it was, the fishing was less so but very enjoyable all the same.

On our second day things took a pleasant turn and I had a run on the chod rig. Things went well and John netted a a very welcome carp of 19.3 lbs sporting lovely winter colours. A carp for John would have been perfect but life ain't like that and he remained fishless. Again. I say fishless but not duckless as he hooked one and had to undress and go in to free it ,not a pretty site !!
On our last morning of the three days we stayed, a thick fog shrouded the lake and we were both glad to pack u. With the gear soaking, another very enjoyable session was had and we shall do it all again later in the year.