Friday 16 March 2012

John goes for 2 nights

After Vic's capture last time out, I was really up for getting a carp out. To that end, I'd managed to wangle a 2 nighter on the Lagoon. I set up in Vics swim, hoping I would emulate or go even better than Vic!!

I marked up, baited up and cast out the rods. Now for the wait.

I waited. And waited. And waited some more.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I should be up to my neck in carp and be so knackered catching them I would have to geet the rods in to give me a rest!! Lol, so much for dreaming.
I hardly saw any fish moving until the afternoon of the second day when a carp rose just over my baits. Shortly after that,  a great big SPALOOSH! was heard. (I was attending to a call of nature, so I didnt actually get to see it). I looked across and sure enough it was in my swim. Won't be long now, I thought to myself.

Back to the waiting game. At 02.30am my bite alarm finally emitted a stuttering cry. Was it a carp? Was it trying to get rid of the hook? Only way to find out is to lift into it.
Deep down, I knew it wasn't a carp. As I reeled it in, the hope of catching a carp gradually died and I was left with a decent sized bream in the net. I didnt even weigh it, just unhooked it when it was still in the water. It looked like it was a decent size but I was after carp and no matter how I described it, it would still be a bream!!

Well, I was still waiting for a carpy bite when I got up next morning. During the night, a heavy fog had rolled in. From my bivvy I couldnt even see the end of my rods, it was that thick. And cold? It was bloody freezing. Damp all over the inside of the bivvy as well, but luckily none of the important stuff was wet.

I packed up at 13.00 and went home, still planning to get a carp from there. As I was leaving, I spoke to a couple of anglers that had fished there before. They told me that most of the fish that they had caught had all come from the road bank!

Guess where I'll be fishing next?!!



John and Vic's First Outing Of The Year

At last, we're on the bank. After a miserable winter we finally arranged a session. Only a days fishing but I was looking forward to it

I arrived at 06.30 and Vic would come later as he had some stuff to do at home. I set up in the bottom end of the lake as I'd seen some small fish activity and assumed that if the small ones are moving the big un's won't be far behind. A bit optimistic but what the hell!!
I got the rods out after marking up and put out some bait. Next went the rods onto my chosen spots and Bobs your uncle. Game on!

Nothing eventful happened for the next few hours and at 09.30 ish Vic rolled up. He set up in the next swim along from me and thats when he realised he'd forgotten his homemade boilies. In fact, he'd left them on the table in the rush to get here. Trouble is, hid dog would be able to get to them and Vic wasn't expecting them to there when he got home. Lol. But he wasnt the only one to forget things. I'd left my camera and catapult at home so it was a reminder to check, check and check again that you've got everything!! This first outing was turning into a learning curve.

After a awhile, Vic cast out his rods towards some fish movement he'd spotted. It wasnt long before his alarm went off and he had a fish on. This is going well! After a short struggle, we landed his first carp of the year and the first that he'd caught  when I've been there. I was so chuffed for him. His little eyes popped out of his head when we took the photo's and you could see that he was well chuffed. Bless him!! Lol. And so he should be. It weighed in at 16.07 lbs. It wasnt one of the originals but a Simmo but it was still a nice fish to catch.

Vic with his 16.07lb Simmo

Now the onus was on me to catch a carp. Sadly, I didnt rise to the occasion and only managed a tench at 4lbs. Still it was an enjoyable day and a very good start to our fishing. Now all I got to do is catch a carp!!!!


 Vic packed up at 5 ish and I wasnt much later.

Until the next time
