Thursday 9 April 2009

John Goes to Newlands For a day

I got up at 5am and made my way to Newlands. Its a goddamn weird time of day - to late to be night, too early to be morning! I made it there with no problem so its game on!

I met Steve, who I knew was already there, in the Coot Island swim. He 'd set up the previous day and was feeling quite confident.

I had seen a couple of lads catch from the Diving Board swim the last time I was down, so I set up my stall there for the day. The weather forecast was for light to heavy rain that afternoon so I set up my brolly in readiness for the rain. As it happened it never did but at least it kept the wind off my back. I was using a chod rig on my RH rod and a running rig on my LH rod.

I had a small take on my chod rig around 10am but other than the odd bleep from my alarms, all was quiet and no fish presented themselves yet. Steve and I saw a fish jump across the lake, near the first swim on the road bank, so it looked like the fish were on the move. Maybe we'd see some action soon!

Well, it got to 6pm and I was fishless so I packed up and went o home, wishing I could stay but knowing I'd be back at sometime! Steve was staying until the end of the week so I wished him farewll and made my way home.

No doubt Steve will give a commentary on his session when he gets back

Until next time,


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