Tuesday 3 April 2012

Gone Fishing

I managed to get a day session in recently, although I had to reshuffle things.

I had arranged to go on a Wednesday session with Vic but had forgotten I had promised Mrs T to take her out. So I was thinking of going on Sunday.
I thought about it and decided "Nah, I like my Sunday dinner."
So we arranged to go on Monday. I expect Vic thought I wouldnt turn up, the times I messed him about. Lol!

We had arranged to meet early at the Lagoon and Vic text me that he'd be there well before me. Anyway, I turned up at 06.30 and it was just starting to get light. I couldnt see Vics 4x4 although there was a similar one there but that was silver and Vics was creamy.
I started to unpack and got the rods out. They couldnt have been in the water 5 minutes when Vic turned up and said
 "I thought it was you".
The 4x4 was his but for some reason I'd gotten the colour wrong. Never mind. I picked up the stuff I'd already got out and moved down to Vics end.

I cast out and baited up. Last time we was here, I spoke to a couple of anglers and they recommended this part of the lake.  There was afamily there today and I had spoken to the family earlier and they hadnt caught a carp, only a couple of bream.

I cast out my rods rod and baited up. Not too far out but not really close in either.


After a few hours I reeled in my left hand rod and decided to give it a chuck.


Bugger this, I'll try plastic corn. Reeled in, changed baits.


After a few hours more, reel in, change rigs to chod and shorter link.


By now its 3.30 pm and I'm starting to think I'm going to blank. Again! I reel in and change my bait to plum. I had been using the Ninja from Blakes but nobody told the carp how good they were. Or the tench and bream!!


 So now I've tried most things and nothing has worked. I'm starting to doubt myself and my rigs now, so I need to catch soon!

Suddenly Vic has a run on his rod. And then it stops. And stutters. We know this type of run. Its our old friend the Snotty Bream! Hooray, a fish. Sadly, its not caught by me. But we're both happy as the session hasnt been a complete blank and Vic can add it to his bream album. We didnt weigh it but it seemed decent enough. Seconds after relesing the bream, Vics other rod goes off. And stops and stutters. Another one!
I asked Vic what he was using and he said that he'd recently changed to halibut pellet, so now we know what to do if we want to catch carp. Not use halibut pellet!!!!!

That was it for the rest of the session. I blanked again and we'll give it a go another time.



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