Saturday 5 May 2012

Yahoo!!! Its Official. The Drought is finally over

And I don't mean the weather.

I went fishing on 26 April 2012 for an overnighter and caught my 1st carp for a long while.

I set the alarm for 5.30 and when I got up, I looked out the window and thought to myself " Lets get this show on the road. Its stopped raining so get your bum in gear and go!"

I had a quick cup of tea, picked up my fishing coat and bib and left for the lake. I opened the door and couldnt believe my eyes. It was bucketing down!

Never mind, I'm still going fishing no matter what the weather throws at me.

The car was packed the previous night so that meant I could just get in the car and go. It rained from when I left home, all the way to the lake, setting up the bivvy and my rods and well into the morning. By the time it had stopped, I was already soaked to the skin. To try and dry my self out, I boiled the kettle and filled up my hot water bottle. I placed the hot water bottle on my thigh and when it got too hot, I moved it o the other leg. I did this for a few hours and eventually managed to dry most of the accessible parts of my jeans! Lol! You should have seen the steam coming off me!!
I did have a spare clothing in the car but I would only use them if I couldnt get my clothes dry before I got into my sleeping bag. Luckily, they dried out ok

In between the showers, I had spodded out some hemp, sweetcorn and pellets to 2 areas about 50yds out. I kept one area regularly topped up and the other spot only had the odd spod full. I had a few liners so brought one rod a bit closer but still no carp by the time it got dark.

Daybreak comes and still no carp. I spodded out the last of my hemp and sweetcorn and prepared to pack up.

At about 8am, my left hand rod gave a few quick beeps and suddenly roared into life.
Oh yes, this was no bream or tench. It fought hard for 5 minutes before finally tiring and coming peacefully to the net.

At last, my first carp for nearly 18 months! It was a simmo but hey! Beggars cant be choosers

At 21.03lb I was over the moon.

I got all excited and set up my camera to take a timed shot. The picture above is the practice shot I took. I picked up the carp, pressed the remote to fire the camera.



I checked the camera, dead battery. B**lox

I have 3 batteries for my camera so no great drama. Load spare battery, fire camera.


What on earth is going on?
I checked the camera and again found no sign of life. This is unreal. Still, I have another spare battery in case of such a disaster. You guessed it, that bugger was flat as well. What rotten luck (or bad planning, depending on your point of view!)

But all is not lost. I have a camera phone. I won't be able to have a posed picture but I could still take one or two of the carp. Out comes the camera, point at carp and click!!!
Yay, I have a photo of fish.
Checked the picture to make sure and  closed camera phone. I then released the carp to its home and sat down to enjoy a nice cup of tea whilst I revel in my capture.
Check phone, no picture. Where did it go? I checked every single photo on my phone but couldnt find the photo of my carp. I later realised that, unlike a normal camera, my camera needs to save the picture to the memory stick and doesn't do it auto matically. By closing the lens, I automatically discarded any photo I had taken. I was gutted

So dear friends, this scabby picture is the only one I have of my capture.

There are a few lessons to be learned from this debacle, one them being - make sure the darn camera batteries are charged up the night before you go fishing!

When I got home, I charged the batteries ready for next time. The first battery charged ok after 2 hours but the 2nd battery was showing full after only 5 minutes. When I put that battery in my camera, the camera worked ok and showed a full battery. Don't know what happened there.

Anyway, Im off fishing on 8 May, so I'll keep you posted,



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