Sunday 6 May 2012

Steve !st session at thorney

Hi Steve here my first bit of writing for a while so here goes. First session on the Mets syndicate lake at Thorney Weir started as a bit of a exploring session (thats a blank then) I set up in the Lazy 2 swim and had a lot of water infront with two islands about 75 yards out to my left. I put two baits out to the islands with a bit of spod mix around them accompanied by 40 or so New Grange which I was able to stick out quite a suprise I was not bothered by the flying rats.
                 My right rod was flicked to my right hand margin by a willow tree only about  8 yds out
all ready by about 3pm Monday let the session begin ! I sat up till about 10pm but did not see a fish or hear one for that matter.Over the next few days I was passed by a few bailifs and syndicate members all of who stopped and passed the day and offered a few pieces of information which was gladly accepted.It was really nice to be welcomed into the syndicate so readily not always the case I have found over the many years ive been fishing I must say I have found most of the anglers on the day ticket side to be very happy to have a chat and give a bit of info if asked quietly .

          On the fishing front I did not see any fish in my area of the lake but birdie ,one of the bailifs,  did tell me he was having a few fish from the Royal Box swim which is a swim down to my far left and cannot be seen where I was fishing . As he was fishing very short I did not go for a walk down as I didnt want to disturb his margin spot . I have noted the info though and next time down I will investigate further.

            Ime sure most of us have had strange experiences whilst at the lake side well mine is as follows .It was a quiet evening (sounds like a arthur conan doyle beginning) and I was , talking to sherlock   oh sorry , contemplating my going home in the morning  when my auto light came on ( it was 10.45 pm  )and looking out to my door expecting a rat when a fox was standing there looking at me  now I was suprised as I thought the light would have frightened it off but no it just stood there with a slightly quizical look  I sort of sat up but it was still there looking i t didnt look that big but I was a bit disturbed and just said shoo and it sort of turned and went away After that strange happening I got up and  put the door down with the mesh opened so I could see what was going to cart me away to its den !!!!

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