Thursday 19 March 2009

Korda Tackle and Tips 2 DVD

I just watched the latest free DVD from Danny Fairbrass and Co. It's called "Carp Tackle, Tactics and Tips Volume 2". It's quite enlightening. It is full of tips, tricks and suggestions, as well as all the latest gear from the likes of Daiwa, Trakker, Harrison's Rods etc.

I've watched a lot of these dvd's over the years and some of them are diabolical, but Danny and his gang have made this a peach of a DVD. Some of our top anglers have produced some horrendous DVD's but this ain't one of them! I recently received a Hinders DVD with Bran Jarrett showing you their products. Although it was a well produced DVD, it didn't make you want to go out there and get some fishing in. Bryan did his best but there's only so much you can talk about pellets or boilies or mixes. I didn't get to finish the DVD as I got bored but that's only my opinion. You watch it yourself and see what you think.

In contrast try watching the Korda Carp Tackle and Tips 2 DVD. Whatever you may think of Danny Fairbrass, at least he makes decent DVD's (or at least features in them). They've got articles that get you thinking about your own fishing situations and giving you tips in the construction and use of your own rigs, plus previews of the latest offerings from leading manufacturers. I was particularly interested in the construction of the KD rig, as I'd seen this in action when Steve changed his rig at Orchid Lake. Within a short space of time of changing his rig he'd lost a bream and landed another bream. OK, it wasn't what we were after but it did make you wonder if the fish had been at our rigs before and done us.

I understand that Steve is making his own single hookbait pop ups, using advice on the DVD from Ali Hamadi and Gareth Fareham. We shall have to see how that pans out!

The people on the DVD caught some spectacular fish, from 20 lb to 60 lb+ . It was filmed on a lake in France (it did mention the name on the DVD but I wasn't listening!) Also, they moved to another location which turned out to be a lake that Danny Fairbrass had just bought! It is now called Gigantica but it was called something else before Danny bought it. It looks like a smashing location and no doubt we will be hearing of it more in the future. He's obviously got big plans for his new lake so expect a few advertisements and plugs for his lake during the last part of the DVD!

All in all a DVD worth watching even if your not wanting to buy anything!

See ya later,


Saturday 14 March 2009

Getting Sarted

Hi Its Steve.

I've been told by John to post my comments in the correct manner so that's what I'm doing right now!

I'm undertaking a pre-baiting campaign this season (hope its easier done than spelling it !!). I have been fishing away from the area for 3 years, so I have not been able to do any pre-baiting at my previous lake. I hope to get down to my new lake at least once a week and put bait in areas that I know fish do frequent. Not loads and not whilst anyone is in the area. I will be using a good quality bait so I would expect some sort of action in a shortish time, maybe as soon as a month, say. I would not put in a lot of bait whilst I'm fishing but this could change with a bit of action. I'm able to put a bit of time in, during the week mostly, so we shall see. I'm quite looking forward to putting some time in, fishing or not



As John has pointed out, our session at Orchid Lakes was quite a pleasant time. Although fish less (carp wise), a few lessons were learned i.e. DO NOT accept the offer of a second bottle of red wine after dinner. Even if you are forced to, DO NOT finish the bottle! This leads to a condition known to many as "Ooh, that was nice, lets have another one" syndrome!
Anyway, no bad effects next morning as we blanked quite comfortably!! Next time out I'll probably be fishing Newlands Specimen Lake at Heyford Fisheries (in April probably), after a bit of pre-baiting (I am on the Guys Lakes Syndicate waiting list but I'm not expecting a reply just yet). After travelling to Reading and Slough for the last few years, its quite nice to be at a local again. Anyway, the bait has been ordered from Mike Wilmot. I can't wait to get going.

John and I will keep you informed !!


Wednesday 11 March 2009

Two Nights at Orchid Lake

Steve and I arrived at the lakes car park around 10.30. I didn't recognise him at first as he'd changed his camo outfit! It wasn't until he spoke that I recognised him. How silly is that!

We went into the office to book our swims and that's when we were told that the lake water is high and some of the swims were underwater. We'd need welly's or waterproof boots to access some of the swims.

Hmmm, not a good start.

We decided to have a walk around and see for ourselves how bad it was. Walking along the roadbank side it was obvious that the lake was high. The people already fishing there had their bivvies on the bank, rather than in the swim and the rod rests were positioned on the side of the swim so that their feet were kept dry should they have a run!

Walking further around it became quite obvious that selecting two swims that were fishable was going to be a big task. We decided that two swims were possible choices although Steve's face said this was not a good idea. Mine probably looked the same. Other than the swims that were already occupied it didn't look like we had much option. I was already thinking that we might have to scrap this session. I found out later that Steve was thinking the same thing. It really was grim.

On the way back to the office we were debating whether we should go on the roadbank side or the other two swims near the swim known as the Royal Box. it certainly wasn't ideal but at least we'd be fishing. I must admit that I wasn't looking forward to setting up in either swim and I suspect that Steve was of the same opnion.
Anyway, as we approached the office we I suggested that we take a look at the L-shape and the Alamo swims. These are swims that have a "lodge" in them that anglers can use instead of their bivvy, although lodge is the wrong term. Garden shed that needs a major face lift would be better description!
We checked out the L-Shape and although one person would have been comfortable, 2 people would have been a bit cramped. Casting our rods out would have been a bit of a nightmare as well. We decided to hold judgement until we had seen the Alamo. As soon as we saw the swim I knew we would book it. The water level wasn't over the boards, there was ample room for two bivvies and we could cast quite easily (ability notwithstanding!). We could also cast to most of the bottom half of the lake. We didn't know how much more it'd cost us but if it would cost more than £20 on top of the normal rate, we were going to go elsewhere. So off we went to see Phil, the bailiff.

We were under the impression that these swims are only available if you book in advance. We talked to Phil about how much extra it would cost to book the swim for two nights. He said that it could be booked as a normal swim unless it had been booked in advance.

And it wasn't!

Great stuff.

We weren't allowed to use the lodge at all, not even for sheltering ourselves or our gear, but that wasn't a problem as all our gear would fit in our bivvies anyway.

We set up and I spodded out a mix of hemp, pellets and boilies to an area approx 40-50 yds away (that's about how far I can cast at the moment due to joint problems). I cast out my three rods quite confident that we'd have something that afternoon or that evening. Steve cast out his rods a bit further with one rod positioned just before a sandbank, one near some trees and the third towards the middle.

We waited.

And waited

And waited some more.

While we were waiting we chatted and had the occasional glass of wine, watching the evening close in and the night fill with stars. But still no bites.


Second day arrives and although we hadn't caught anything we were still hopeful of one or two that day. Later on in the afternoon, Steve changed the rig on one of his rods to the KD-Rig. This is where the hair is brought forward from the shank of the hook after two turns of the knotless knot and then the knot is continued up the shank with the hair coming from near the eye, making it heavier near the hook eye than the hook point.
Not long after Steve had a drop back and he knew straight away that he'd got a snotty bream. As luck would have it, it became unhooked before Steve could land it. All we need now is for Mr Carp to pop in. Not long after Steve has yet another drop back and again its a snotty bream. But Steve lands this one and unhooks the fish and releases it whilst its still in the water.

I had a couple of knocks and bleeps but nothing to brag about!

We pack up on Wednesday carpless but still happy that we managed to get out on the bank and in a decent swim. Maybe next time will be different.

Here's hoping,


Saturday 7 March 2009

Littemore RFC Reuinion

I'm going to watch Littlemore RFC play today. Its an important game apparently (aren't they all!!).

I'm going because its also a reunion of the old players - and a bit of a piss up! Time to have a chat, reminisce about past times and how good we were (and we WERE good!) and generally have a good time.

That's me in the middle row, left hand side wearing the Welsh Rugby shirt

Last time I went I ended up singing Max Boyce songs with John Searle. Also, The opposing captain got presented with "why was he born so beautiful...etc" for giving away the penalty that made Littlemore the winners. Oooh, so sad!

Damn! Just missed the 12.35 bus to Littlemore, I'll have to catch the 13.35 now. All because I forgot my mobile phone. Prat!

I arrived at around 2pm and was pleasantly surprised that there were so many people already there. I didn't know hardly anyone, so I got myself a lager and loitered around the clubhouse!

Lol, I wasn't the only one either. A couple of other boys must have come together because I heard one one them comment "it aint changed much has it". It certainly made me smile as I was thinking the same.

Anyway, kickoff was at 2.30 so I finished that one and had another to take away and watch the match.
The first 5-10 minutes was looking pretty dire for Littlemore as they didn't seem to be switched on to the game. Suddenly, a couple of passes, a few offloads in the tackle and some very good supporting work from everybody and Littlemore had scored their first try. It was a lovely worked try and a pleasure to watch!

Not long after that Littlemore were again attacking down the left wing. Forwards were dummying and swerving, backs were clearing out the rucks and again some superb support play created another try for Littlemore. Perfect Stuff!
Tadley managed to score a penalty right at the end of the 1st half to make it 15-3 ( I think!)

2nd half kicked off and I was still in the clubhouse nattering. I had a pint whilst I was there and had another take away for the 2nd half. Littlemore seemed again to be starting the game with their thumbs up their backside. To give them their due Littlemore didnt concede a try but they never looked like scoring one again either. Then about 10-15 min into the game, a friendly little tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte started between 2 forwards and in the wink of an eye had escalated to handbags and bunfights at 5 yds. The ref took an instant liking to his whistle, even putting the crows and magpies to shame in his haste to separate the miscreants. Tadley were awarded a penalty and Littlemore were deemed to start the fracas. Warnings were issued and the game resumed.

A few minutes later and Tadley were attacking. A Littlemore player said/did/or did not do something that the ref didn't like. So he was sinned binned!
Tadley broke through the Littlemore defence to score a try, which wasn't converted, but soon after a lovely break and support from the backs ensured the game was won comfortably. Final score:

Littlemore 35 Tadley 18.

Right,back to the bar! By this time I had been stood up for a considerable time and my joints were on fire so, unusually, I decided to go home. I had just missed the bus so I rang Jane and she picked me up at Sainsburys.

A good day out, all in all

Time to get ready

As you can see, I had a bit of a nightmare trying to get my head round the proper way to use this blog. I think I finally managed to understand it, but in the process, the chronography went astray slightly. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again! The 1st post should have been the "here Goes" entry but due to editing errors on my part it ended up as 2nd entry. never mind, at least I know now.

Anyway, here goes.

Well, now that the decision has been made, its time to get the bait ready.

I think I'm going to go with hemp and pellets, with dynamite bait boilies, plus a few pva bags.

I'll also need to change my sleeping bag to my warmer one as I read that it is gonna feel quite cold over the next few days. Hope the lake doesn't freeze over though. That would be the pits

My tv is knackered so its only my little battery radio for company, along with some decent wine and beer. I'm sure Steve and I can entertain ourselves somehow!!

I'll not be able to chuck out a rig more than 40-50 yards but hopefully that'll be enough to entice Mr and Mrs carp into my swim. You never know, I might be onto a winner. Steve also has a few new pieces of equipment to try out as well, so all in all, it looks like an entertaining session

Friday 6 March 2009

Here's Hoping

Steve and John are hoping to go fishing on Monday. Depends on the weather and if Marsh Pratley is still doing the half price tickets.

We shall see.

I tried to get hold of the office today, but got no reply. 4 times I tried. Steve is going to try later on today. If he doesn't get hold of anyone or Marsh isn't doing the half price tickets then I might try to go to Newlands. I think Steve is going to Kingsmead for 4 nights if it falls through

Its on

Rang up Orchid Lake. They're still doing the half price tickets until week Sunday so guess what? Steve and me are going fishing Monday and Tuesday.

When Steve sees this Picture he's going to do his nut. Last time I wore it he threatened to disown me and throw me in the lake if I wore it again in public. Called me the Little Chechyan tank commander on a bad day! Cor, at least I was warm! Sadly, I have traded in this item for a more modern look! See below.