Saturday 7 March 2009

Littemore RFC Reuinion

I'm going to watch Littlemore RFC play today. Its an important game apparently (aren't they all!!).

I'm going because its also a reunion of the old players - and a bit of a piss up! Time to have a chat, reminisce about past times and how good we were (and we WERE good!) and generally have a good time.

That's me in the middle row, left hand side wearing the Welsh Rugby shirt

Last time I went I ended up singing Max Boyce songs with John Searle. Also, The opposing captain got presented with "why was he born so beautiful...etc" for giving away the penalty that made Littlemore the winners. Oooh, so sad!

Damn! Just missed the 12.35 bus to Littlemore, I'll have to catch the 13.35 now. All because I forgot my mobile phone. Prat!

I arrived at around 2pm and was pleasantly surprised that there were so many people already there. I didn't know hardly anyone, so I got myself a lager and loitered around the clubhouse!

Lol, I wasn't the only one either. A couple of other boys must have come together because I heard one one them comment "it aint changed much has it". It certainly made me smile as I was thinking the same.

Anyway, kickoff was at 2.30 so I finished that one and had another to take away and watch the match.
The first 5-10 minutes was looking pretty dire for Littlemore as they didn't seem to be switched on to the game. Suddenly, a couple of passes, a few offloads in the tackle and some very good supporting work from everybody and Littlemore had scored their first try. It was a lovely worked try and a pleasure to watch!

Not long after that Littlemore were again attacking down the left wing. Forwards were dummying and swerving, backs were clearing out the rucks and again some superb support play created another try for Littlemore. Perfect Stuff!
Tadley managed to score a penalty right at the end of the 1st half to make it 15-3 ( I think!)

2nd half kicked off and I was still in the clubhouse nattering. I had a pint whilst I was there and had another take away for the 2nd half. Littlemore seemed again to be starting the game with their thumbs up their backside. To give them their due Littlemore didnt concede a try but they never looked like scoring one again either. Then about 10-15 min into the game, a friendly little tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte started between 2 forwards and in the wink of an eye had escalated to handbags and bunfights at 5 yds. The ref took an instant liking to his whistle, even putting the crows and magpies to shame in his haste to separate the miscreants. Tadley were awarded a penalty and Littlemore were deemed to start the fracas. Warnings were issued and the game resumed.

A few minutes later and Tadley were attacking. A Littlemore player said/did/or did not do something that the ref didn't like. So he was sinned binned!
Tadley broke through the Littlemore defence to score a try, which wasn't converted, but soon after a lovely break and support from the backs ensured the game was won comfortably. Final score:

Littlemore 35 Tadley 18.

Right,back to the bar! By this time I had been stood up for a considerable time and my joints were on fire so, unusually, I decided to go home. I had just missed the bus so I rang Jane and she picked me up at Sainsburys.

A good day out, all in all

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