Wednesday 15 August 2012

Still trying hard

Went for a day session on monday. Got there about 6.30 and set up middle of road bank, where i'd definately saw signs of fizzing.
I was going to be trying out the method feeder approach and to this end I had mixed some dry bloodworm mix, nutty mix and blakes special mix together. This was added to my scalded pellets and hemp, which formed the basis for my method feeder mix.
I was fishing one rod with in line lead and one method feeder. The inline set up was cast about 20-30 yds out to the fizzing I'd seen earlier. The method feeder was cast a bit further out, approx 50yds or so. This was more of a roaming rod, although it was still in the general area I'd selected.

Nothing happened for a few hours, then out of the blue the method rod went into alarm as some angry fish sped off with my bait attached to it.

Yeee Haa! Success at last.

Sadly, my joy was short lived, as no sooner had I lifted into the fish and felt it on the end of my line, it went TWAAAANG!!! The bloody thing had shed the hook.
To be honest, it didnt feel like a great fish - possibly a small tench - but I was still gutted at losing the fish.

Thats fishing for you.

Anyway, after that, I had a few knocks on the boilie rod but nothing from the method feeder.

Another blank to record for posterity


Until next time,


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