Tuesday 14 August 2012

Thorney Weir part 7

    For a change a nice dry start to a 2 day session at Thorney. There were a few anglers in the road bank swims but going past the channel the whole of the main lake was free. As a nice south  westerly was blowing into this bank  I made my decision. Another swim I hadnt fished before.
     I was set up and found a few clearish spots in front of me at about 60yds (using my AT standard baitboat and internal sonar feature finder). Two rods on these spots with snowman set ups using  CC Moore Meteor and 12mm pop up with a little pellet bag to mask the hook. The third rod was on a chod, again using CC More Meteor pop up. This went a little further out to my right at about 70yds.
         I was very surprised when a couple of hours into the session my chod rig rod trundelled off. On hitting the fish I felt it snagged in dense weed.  I eased the pressure on and off, trying to free the carp. It was still on so after a few minutes I put the rod back on the rests. After a minute or two it started taking line so I picked the rod up and gave it steady pressure  whilst walking backwards. This did the trick and I was back in full contact with the fish. After a bit of a struggle it came in and was safely netted. Not the prettiest fish but I was very pleased to have another Thorney carp.
        The rest of the session was quite uneventful apart from a couple of very big bream ( 8  9lb ish)., all the fish falling to snowman and small bags of stick mix .I had one small carp of 7.5 lb later on in the second day. I was happy with the session, nothing big but lots learned and again met some more nice people. Cant be bad. Packed away in the dry and headed home.  I like this lake, very prolific and cant wait to get amongst the big boys !!

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