Sunday 21 October 2012

Thorney 9 October 17th to 20th

         Late October session at Thorney Weir  not many people at the lake on my arrival so a good look round was in order .After a good walk I decided on fishing Birdies bay which happened to be the furthest swim from the car park.I had fixed my electric  trolley so this was a good test on its reliability ,actually it coped admirably which was just as well as the swim was some  700 yards down the track.After 2 trips in the swim i had had some decent fish from here before mostly commons so I was hopeful of a big common.

         All set up ready to go as you can see from the picture a bit muddy oh well a decent fish would wipe all the mud away ha ha was I really going to get away with such hopefulness In a word no I did try hard and the weather held up for 36 hours and then the heavens opened up and I was nearly washed out mud mud and more mud no fish showed and a very quiet time for most anglers .This lake doesn't seem to fish in the rain , for me at least but I battled it out till sat morning when hurrah the rain cleared and after the fog had cleared away about 11 am I decided to pack the gear away.  .                                                                    Strangely enough the bailiff birdie and his mate had the fish going on floaters when it was sunny on thursday afternoon in one of the back bays to my left .He even gave me a small cork ball to use as a zig  all to no avail but another lesson learned .In all a bit disappointing but what the hell a few days fishing is fine and ime learning all the time its getting into winter soon and ive not fished here when its cold so lots to learn back again in a few weeks so till then !!

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