Friday 12 October 2012

thorney 8 session sept 27th to 29th

Visited Thorney for a 2 day session weather a bit variable on arrival a few people fishing mostly on the road bank so I decided on a swim further round again not one ive fished before .As it was a friday morning I expected the lake to get busier later on so I chose a swim with a bit of room to myself.
                      All set up and ready to go no problem I thought,well wrong first visit from a bailiff no problem only couldnt find my syndicate permit great he must have thought i was dodgy so he asked to see a rig no problem reeled in the chod as it was easier to do so wrong again rig had a micro barb on god knows how anyway bailiff was so impressed I had to reel another one in this had a crushed barb on but not to his liking so last one in great but this was ok .To be fair he was fair and said if the owner of the complex Brian came round he would tell him and leave the decision to him wether I could fish on or not.
            A bit later Brian came round luckily I knew him thought he was a bailiff not the owner and he was fine about it even had a bit of a laugh about it told me not to worry and carry on fishing what a relief !!
     I was a bit dejected by my bad start to the session and didnt really fish very well Brian did tell me that the lake was fishing very patchy so wasnt too disappointed in my first blank for months still back to reality really.Ive got a longer session planned in October one of my favourite months for fishing so will get my head back together for then.
          I found my lost syndicate card,or at least my wife did, so all is well roll on October ime after a big common and i think i know where they might be .


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