Thursday 28 June 2012

5 thorney weir

Hi Steve again reporting on my 5th session on Thorney Weir.I joined the syndicate in April and I found the people very friendly  there are two lakes The Mets which is the private part and Thorney the day ticket water both hold big fish but thorney has 3  40s  and several 30s many of them commons also it has more fish around 600 the Mets doesnt hold as many fish and the biggest is 37 ish it is a more challeging water and is not so busy it has lots of small bays and fish holding corners I will be targeting this lake very soon .
        Anyway Thorney it was to be this session .I arrived on monday 25th june  at around 11am the lake seemed quiet and the channel was empty of anglers a suprise as this is a busy area usually.Anyway as I drove on I noticed the corner of the lake ,which is the start of the channel was empty and a brisk warm s westerly was blowing  into it . I decided this would be a good starting point.
         I put all 3 rods into the small bay to my front left and spodded a few kilos of hemp maize pellet and N Guage boilies out .As I was using maize i put 2 rods on rigs using N Guage  boilie   topped  with plastic maize. The rest of the day proved quiet I thought I saw a few fish in the corner I was fishing but couldnt be sure.I settled in for the night with a glass of red all was well with the world !
            I was woken at about 4 am with a little knock on my right end rod I thought it was wind pushing weed into my lines so I dipped all three rods into the water I still got the odd liner so I thought that fish were moving.Nothing happened till 7am when the same right rod tightened up and the tip bent round.I was very close to my rods so was up and pulled into a fish very quickly.The fish felt decent but was in silk weed so I wasnt sure after a slow battle the carp appeared in front of me and was netted easily.
        After sorting the camera out I weghed the fish at 24.06oz not the biggest but I was well happy fish was marked a bit ,like  spawning   marks ,so  I treated it with  some liquid and returned it to the water..
        All was quiet till a bit later when people started arriving a couple moved in to the two swims to my left the guy next to me asked where I was fishing as we both  looked into the same area. He was a nice enough fellow but I decided to go the next day as ime not used to being so close to other anglers  and I thought too much pressure would spoil the fishing a quiet night ensued so the next morning I packed up and left  lessons learned again three different swims fished and 6 carp caught nothing big but very wellcome ,
         Ime back again  Monday 2nd July probably on the Mets should be interesting I have a going bait and the rigs seem to be working bit of confidence cant wait !!!!

Still Struggling

I've been to the lake twice now and blanked again. Still catching bream but no carp.

The last time I went brought home to me the rewards of being mobile. I was set up in the LH point swim. An angler turned up and proceeded to set up on the point as well.
No problem there.
He was asking me if I'd seen any carp moving when suddenly- Spaloosh- a carp leapt out of the water approx midway in the middle point swim. Mark cast out and settled in to wait. 30 mins went by and no other sign of carp activity.
We were chatting about fishing Newlands when I pointed out to Mark some bubbles rising across the other side of the lake. As we were watching, a carp leapt out of the water. 5 mins later it happened again. Mark said that was it. He packed up his gear and setup on the roadbank, near where the carp had broken water. 30 mins after setting up, he was into a carp. A lovely 19lb mirror was in the net. He also had a run but didnt connect with anything

No more carp were caught that day, but I had learned a lesson!!

I stayed the night and was rewarded with a fairly hefty bream at 0130hrs.  I managed to unhook it in the water and went back to bed!

Packed up later in the morning, no more fish


Friday 15 June 2012

Thorney Weir part 4

Hello again got a few days off work so off to thorney for a 2 or 3 day session.It had poured with rain for days so I did not expect a pleasant journey on the motorway to Uxbridge ,in fact it was a nightmare spray everywhere people cutting across lanes at turnoffs etc.
          Arrived at the lakes about 1130am first swim ,down the channel, looked to be coming free a quick chat to the fellow packing away revealed he had 4 fish in just a 24hr session that would do for me . I placed a bucket in the swim told him not to rush on my account and drove up the lane to have a look around like you do. The swim I had chosen looked and felt right so after the previous fellow had gone I set up, really handy as the car can be parked a few feet opposite ,a blessing as rain was due again.
                 I started by putting both left hand rods to the out of bounds rope one on the right one to the centre my other rod was again to be a rover to the right of the swim .I put some baits out cc moore odyssey xxx and  meteor a multirig pop up and a flurocarbon blowback using nash trigga as a hair ,a braid that stetches when wet , thought that would fool a carp or two .All was quiet till 7 pm when my middle  rod ripped off  it had been raining so I was sat in the bivvy having a glass of red anyway i was on it in several minutes and playing a lively carp no problem up it popped and safely netted well happy !! photo done 18.04 mirror rod back out now i can relax.

                  After a night of torrential rain and no carp I was woken at 3.30am by another run from the same rod this was a smilar fight as the last but didnt seem so big as it was proved when I netted it very pleased all the same took a quick pic in the carp cradle and returned it great,
more bait  bait out and rod back in place back to bed . Not for long as i was again woken by the same rod going off another good scrap and then I netted ,or so i thought ,a nice common which decided to get out of the net anyway back in it went and hoisted up and into the cradle at 14.13oz a nice fish.As the sun was shining I decided to call it a day.Everything packed away dry and a nice drive home cant be bad.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Hi steve here again just been to Thorney Weir to fish a two day session on the day ticket lake.All started well ,or sort of ,swim chosen a few yards up the bank about 300 actually.No problem got the power porter so loaded up off I set well actually 20yds and the load tipped over ah well it might be powered but it has got to balance so 50 yds up the lake I dropped the rod holdall and kit bag off and then no problem got to swim not actually knackered great went back for other stuff and one of  the lads had picked it up and bought it to me.I had to give him a beer like you do.
          Session start this was a new swim and I had a bit of water in front of me as it had been opened out.Plumbing rod out and a couple of clear areas found at 75 yds or so .I spodded a few kilos of hemp sweetcorn and vitalin out at the marker right in front I was going to fish two rods one either side one on a cell pink halo pop up and one on the Meteor (cc moore)hookbait topped with a small piece of plastic corn A well known bait here so why buck the trend.My other rod was to be a rover with a yellow cell  pop up fished to the left a bit further out.
       Morning came and I was woken by my right hand alarm fish on bit of a struggle as it had picked up my left hand rod anyway came in after a bit of a struggle weighed and a nice 18  lb  old warrior sorted camera struggled so just took a pic on the mat great first on the syndicate any way cup of tea and bacon sarnie to celebrate ! 9 am middle rod trundled off and the same sort of fight as it had caught my other line. bloody hell isnt anything easy.any way in the net lines untangled and one of the bailifs did the honours with the camera and weighing as I was the other side of the cradle holding everything up 21.04 minus 2.12 for sling so 17.08 lbs a lovely old common looks bigger though ah well so what.
             The rest of the day was spent fish spotting,spodding and pulting some boilies out easy as the wind was behind me.All was to change as the wind did a u turn came into me and the clouds looked grey ah well should be ok famous last carp anglers wish !! About 2 am wind blowing rain coming into bivvy action required Oh goody ! up I get door wouldnt shut so re arranged everything door down peace.5 am a slow take on right rod ( meteor) got out hit it nothing reeled in no hook what !! it had broken on shank pike possible but that was it for rest of the session .Lots of stuff learned and a few friends made cant be bad back again in a week cant wait.